It was in September 2019 when I last had the opportunity to sit down with actress, screenwriter, director, and producer Eva Gamallo. On this occasion, we discussed several projects she is currently working on, including a fiction short film ÁFRICA S.A., a video podcast focused on artists and professionals from Granada working in the audiovisual industry, Granada es Cine, and a video podcast in which, alongside her husband Marcos Mas (creator, director, and screenwriter of the show) and Dani Niño, they approach the paranormal from a humorous perspective, La Hora Fenomena.
Eva, tell us about your short film África S.A. “It is fiction based about a mistake I made in Gambia, Africa. In 2012, I was working with an NGO in Gambia, and when I returned to Spain, I realized that I had fallen into the “white savior complex.” Through humor, I reflect on how this complex contributes to a distorted view of the African continent and our own identity as white people, who often perceive ourselves as “saviors.” It’s a form of self-criticism because I made this mistake, and when I realized it, I was so angry and ashamed of myself that I needed to do something about it. That’s where this project, África S.A., comes from.” One of the common mistakes people make about Africa is referring to the entire continent as a single country, without acknowledging its cultural diversity.
Eva reflects on this, “Africa is not just one country, but a continent with fifty-four countries and more than 1,500 different languages. The cultural and traditional diversity of Africa is enormous. From Morocco to South Africa, customs and languages vary deeply. To reduce the continent to a single vision and a single country is a mistake that only serves to diminish it.”
Eva started producing the short film on her own, “but now I have two producers who are also part of the project. The short film is about seven minutes long and features three generations of African actresses.” It’s a topic with international reach, so Eva hopes the short film will travel the world, be shown at festivals, in schools, and other spaces. “With this project, I want to offer a different perspective of Africa, and also question our vision as white people. I’ve already received requests from people who want me to travel to their places to talk about the film, about my mistake, and what I learned in the process.”
Another project Eva has put her energy into is Los Platiles de la Teresa, a short film she wrote, directed, and produced, which portrays the tradition of “taking the chairs out to enjoy the evening breeze” in the streets of Andalusia.
“In Spain, especially in Andalusia, it’s very common for older people to go out into the street around 9 p.m. to enjoy the breeze and chat. When I was a child, I loved walking through the streets of my town in Granada and seeing people gathered in small groups. I liked getting close to them and listening to their conversations. That’s why I decided to make a film about those women and have them take their chairs outside to enjoy the evening breeze together. It was a wonderful experience. One of the actresses was my mother, and the others were her friends.
We filmed for three very fun days, full of laughter and also some tears,” she explains.
Eva wanted to revive the memories of her childhood when she would sit next to her grandmother or her neighbor, while playing nearby.
She says, “It was a magical experience to be there with my mother and her friends, listening to their stories. I started filming without saying anything to them, and they just started talking nonstop. It came so naturally. My mother and one of her friends had done theater, but neither of them are professional actresses. It was so authentic. I remember one of the women started crying during the conversation because she had lost her daughter three years earlier, but we finished the filming with laughter. She said she had not laughed in three years. It was beautiful to see that change, all thanks to the film.”
Eva cherishes those memories, “This moment will stay with me forever, just like seeing my mother act. It was very special.”
Another of Eva’s projects is her video podcast Granada es Cine, in which she gives a voice to people in the film industry who either live in Granada or are originally from the city, where she also grew up (although she was born in Switzerland, as she is the daughter of Spanish emigrants).
“My podcast is focused on film professionals from Granada. At first, I thought there would not be many people, but suddenly a lot of them appeared, and I thought we should get to know each other and join forces to make cinema in Granada a reality. I started a video podcast, Granada es Cine. I interview artists and technicians in the film industry who work in Granada. Additionally, I want to showcase the different locations in the city, which are beautiful and have a great variety of settings such as, beaches, mountains, deserts, mines, the city itself, and charming villages,” says Eva Gamallo.
So, what is Eva Gamallo most passionate about in her career these days?
“What I enjoy most now is writing and directing. If I work as an actress, it is because someone calls me, but I don’t want that to be the focus of my career. What I really want is to develop the stories I have in my head,” Eva confesses.
A couple of years ago, Eva Gamallo traveled to the United States with her then fiancé, Marcos Mas, for three months and returned married.
“I love America, and my husband does too, plus he has a lot of friends there. He asked me, ‘Do you want to go?’ and I said, why not? If he had asked me if I wanted to go to Canada, I would have said yes as well. It’s not so much about the country or the city, but about the experience. He is also a screenwriter, so we went there to sell his films. It was an incredible experience. I studied at UCLA, I had a bike, and I rode it around the city every day. It is so different from Spain, and I found it quite dangerous the way people drive. The signs and the roads are very different. I like to go to other countries, rent a motorbike or a car, and explore and that is what we did. It was a wonderful time, I met many friends, went to premieres, worked as an actress, and it was an unforgettable experience,” Eva concludes.
Please take time to visit the website for Eva Gamallo or follow heron Instagram. Please also take time to visit theInstagram account for Africa S.A. Bottom Photo from Africa S.A. Return to Our Front Page
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This interview by Joe Montague published November 3, 2024 is protected by copyright © and is the property of Riveting Riffs Magazine All Rights Reserved. All photos and artwork are the the property of Eva Gamallo unless otherwise noted and all are protected by copyright © All Rights Reserved. This interview may not be reproduced in print or on the internet or through any other means without the written permission of Riveting Riffs Magazine.